Os bosques son o recurso máis importante do noso planeta, un agasallo da natureza. As árbores chámanse os "pulmóns" da Terra por un motivo. Axudan a limpar o aire que respiramos de sucidade, po, hollín e outras impurezas nocivas e protexen contra o ruído da cidade. Ademais, as coníferas producen fitoncidas, substancias especiais que fortalecen a inmunidade humana e destrúen os patóxenos.

The Constitution of the Federation guarantees its citizens freedom of movement throughout the country. This right also applies to forests. There is a special Forest Code of the Federation, where Article 11 says that you can stay in the forests absolutely free of charge. Thus, a person satisfies his needs: environmental, aesthetic, nutritional, health and a number of others, no less important. A person has the right, without obtaining prior permission and without paying any fees, to gather berries, nuts and mushrooms in the forest, to harvest medicinal herbs. Naturally, this does not apply to species listed in the Red Book and protected by the authorities. Citizens’ access may be completely prohibited or significantly limited only in the territories of defense or state security, as well as lands protected by the state. Sometimes prohibitions and restrictions are dictated by security considerations – sanitary, personal fire (for example, during forest work). The law does not provide for other grounds for a ban!

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